
Lead is a soft, dull grey metal used in paint and piping. Since it is used in paint and water pipes, it is easy for lead particles to contaminate the air and water. Lead-based paint and lead-contaminated dust in older buildings are the most common sources of lead poisoning in children. Other sources include contaminated air, water, and soil. Adults who do home renovations are also exposed to lead.

leadDPH IA Team
Any lead testing and reporting is done by our DPH IA team. For lead-based paint inspections, they use XRF detectors and paint chip sampling. This team handles:

  • AAS Analyses of Air, Confirmatory Paint Chips, Soil Samples (Quality Control)
  • Abatement Specifications
  • Observation and Measurement Programs
  • OSHA™ Compliance Monitoring
  • Project Management and Supervision
  • Risk Assessments
  • Sampling Plans
  • Negative Exposure Assessments
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